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European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA)

The European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) was established in November 1996. Founding members have been National Associations from France (APPA), Germany (KRdL-VDI/DIN), Italy (CSIA/ATI), The Netherlands (CLAN), United Kingdom (NSCA). Later other associations - like the Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation GUS - became members.

EFCA is a federation of professional associations in Europe active in the field of air pollution control and environmental protection. It aims at working at the plane of intersection between science and (European) policy on environmental problems, thus contributing to the identification of solutions with a sound scientific basis, which are technologically feasible, cost-effective and politically acceptable. EFCA is a non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization.

In order to achieve its objectives EFCA encourages professional activity in Europe and fosters the exchange and correct use of knowledge and the co-operation between European experts and between the professional associations in Europe.

For more information please visit EFCA Website.